"Jump Set to Massive?" sets Jump to massive. "Health Set to Massive?" sets Health to massive. Enable this when before switching levels if "Stats Set to Massive?" has been enabled.ġ. "Curse Set to Massive?" sets Curse Enemies to Kill to 1. "Skills Cooldown Set to 0?" sets Skills Cooldown to 0. "Ammo Set to Massive?" sets Ammo to massive. "Force Field Set to Massive?" sets Force Field to massive (effectively Godmode). Inventory, Primary Weapon, Secondary Weapon. "Forgotten Sepulcher Darkness Set to 0?" sets Forgotten Sepulcher Darkness to 0. "Ammo & Health Flask Set to Massive?" sets Ammo and Health Flask to massive. "Invisibility Set to Massive?" sets Invisibility to massive. "Elapsed Time Set to 0, Number of enemies killed without being hit Set to Massive?" sets Elapsed Time to 0, Number of enemies killed without being hit to massive.ġ. "Liposuction Set to Massive?" sets Liposuction to massive. "Horizontal Position (Hotkey)" and "Vertical Position (Hotkey)" hotkeyed to arrow keys to teleport. "Player Stats Boss Base Address Scan" should work more reliably for bosses. Tested game version V1.7, V1.7.1 The Bad Seed DLC 32-bit. Tested game version V1.8 The Bestiary 32-bit.
#Dead cells steam profile background update
Tested game version V1.9.7 Update of Plenty 32-bit. Tested game version V20.8 Derelict Distillery 32-bit. "Elapsed Time, Malaise Set to 0, Number of enemies killed without being hit Set to Massive?" sets Elapsed Time, Malaise to 0, Number of enemies killed without being hit to massive.ġ.

Tested game version V23 Whack-a-mole 32-bit. Activate (put an X) the "Base Address Scan (To Activate: YYY, To Update: ZZZ)" script.ĭ. Activate (put an X) the "Initialization (Activate This First)" script.Ĭ. Scripts with "To Update: XXX" will only update their effect after doing action XXX.Īddresses with "XXX?" will enable the script effect XXX when 1 is put into the Value.ī. Scripts with "To Activate: XXX" can only be activated (put an "X" into the box) after doing action XXX.
Simple table for Dead Cells, may or may not work.